My favourite venue has to be the Traverse.
It was a two-nighter which was an absolute treat! But more so the audiences were full, loud and incredibly receptive and kind. I remember entering with my first line (The iconic “Ding Dong”) and had to pause due to the wall of laughter which was rather lovely and it felt like riding a wave of theatrical joy from that moment on.
The venue itself is honestly, one of my favourite venues I’ve ever played in my career. Its big but not too big which creates a level of intimacy that is electric to both actors and audience. Especially with our play, the closeness of the audience, made the claustrophobic nature of the piece stand out even more so as the audience couldn’t escape the challenging questions in Bruce Norris’s exquisite writing.
Another thing I loved was the bar area. I wrote half a play in that beautiful bar/cafe and the coffees were incredible!!
Benjamin Stratton, Actor