Letter: “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf is defiantly my play”
An audience member writes about their relationship with rapture’s latest production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Letters: Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire could well have been of mixed-race heritage
How race plays out in our response to a Streetcar context.
Original Music by Pippa Murphy: A Streetcar Named Desire
Listen to Pippa Murphy’s original new music for Rapture’s latest production of A Streetcar Named Desire.
Who’s your favourite character in Streetcar?
We asked a school pupil ‘Who’s your favourite character in Streetcar?’. Find out what they said…
Interview: Actor Gina Isaac on her role in A Streetcar Named Desire
Actor Gina Isaac discusses the impact of A Streecar Named Desire on her work and our production.
A Legacy Named Desire
How Streetcar challenged expectations, teetering between the realistic and the symbolic.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Its ideas resonate today
Michael Cox speaks with Rapture Theatre’s Michael Emans about their latest production: A Streetcar Named Desire:
Who’s Afraid of Feminism
Actor Sara Stewart speaks to Michael Cox about Albee’s masterpiece, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Getting Albee Right
Michael Cox speaks to director Michael Emans about capturing the essence of Edward Albee’s writing.
Who’s Afraid of a Legacy?
What Who’s Afraid of Virigina Woolf? meant for the legacy and works of Edward Albee.